All the things!
Please contact us if you have any questions, basically we have the same “setup” for each program, but because they are tailored to your specific needs they vary from family to family. Each program includes a 5-week session (one hour each) for a total of 50 HOURS (wow!) with your communication counselor, as well as access to our Facebook, Instagram and blog pages available 24/7. These give you extra tips, and ideas and inspiration (because lets be honest, who doesn’t need that these days!) All our programs are designed to help you create effective communication strategies within your household.
Here is a breakdown of the individual programs:
Pre-birth- 3 months is the perfect program for anyone expecting a new bundle of joy- first or third! It is never too early to work on communication, and the earlier you plan the easier it will be to implement it when baby does come!
3 months - 12 months, that first year of your child’s life is so so important. They learn basic life skills and communication should be one of them. Tailored to your specific family needs, this program will go through different ways you can establish communication, create stronger bonds, and teach your baby all within your home.
12 -24 months, whew! You are in the toddler trenches, so we will make this quick since your time is precious! Get to know what your toddler is trying to tell you with their adorable babble! This can ultimately help with less meltdowns and tantrums. Also we will give you the tools you need to communicate together.