Back in my day…
Oh boy. I’m sure all new parents have heard this phrase at least more then once while getting advice from very well meaning ‘seasoned’ parents. I talk a lot about communication between parent and child but it is just as important to talk and communicate with parent to parent(s). As new parents you have gotten told a million ways how to hold the baby, scheduling advice, the temperature of the milk and much more. Some advice is pretty solid, and some, well….is just outdated. So how do you handle auntie Wilma third time trying to give you advice on how to stop a cry from a teething baby (which should NEVER include whiskey!!) One good way is to set boundaries, be clear and be grateful.
You can do this by being firm but caring. This is my go-to usually in many situations. ‘Oh no thank you’ and stand your ground. Then I usually give them another job to do in order to show that it’s not YOU I don’t want or need right now, just don’t need advice on how to clean a bottle right now. Maybe they can pick out today’s outfit, or get the stroller for a walk. Most family members who do this just want to be helpful.
Back in their day there were people around doing the same thing to them, and I’m sure the tradition will never fade. Just being a bit understanding and voicing your needs will go a long way with those who just want to help and truly care about you and the new bundle of joy!